ToursByLocals Cancellation Policy Overview

   Standard Coverage   

Any Reason Coverage

Full refund if you cancel 15 days or more from the tour start

Full refund if you cancel anytime due to certain unforeseeable events*

Full refund if you cancel under 15 days from the tour start due to: injury, illness, family emergency, poor weather, change of plans

Full refund if you cancel under 15 days from the tour start, for any other reason you choose


No Cost

12% of the tour cost

Bonus: If you select 'Any Reason Coverage' and don't use it, you'll receive a promo code that you can use for a future tour or give to a friend! (more info)

To qualify for a refund for a cancelled tour, you must contact ToursByLocals Support before the tour starts.
We hope this chart is helpful to understand our different cancellation policies. However, you should read the detailed Cancellation Policy to understand the full terms.

* These include travel restrictions imposed by governments, war, civil insurrection, strike, extreme weather, earthquake or natural disaster; circumstances where a cruise ship cannot dock, or flight to your destination is cancelled. Please note, does not include personal or family illness or injury, poor weather or a change of plans.